If you're struggling to find & keep healthy relationships as a Christian Empath... PLEASE READ THIS!

As a Christian Life Coach, I will help you uproot emotional blockages that create self sabotage in your current relationships, release baggage from past toxic relationships and get crystal clear on exactly the type of relationship your soul is seeking right now. Apply for a free Relationship Roadmaps Call below 👇

Elle Angel

If you've been struggling to find and keep healthy relationships as a Christian Empath and you're serious about releasing the past pain from toxic relationships ... I’m here to help with a FREE Relationship Roadmap Call.

But first, a warning:

Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

You already have the answer you're searching for at the deepest level of your soul.

You know exactly what kind of relationship your soul needs and can ask God directly what steps you need to take to get there.

The reason that you haven't already gotten a clear answer is often rooted in emotional baggage clogging up the up your spiritual senses with fear and self doubt.

Past pain often leaves behind false ideas and beliefs about who you are and creates a wall of pain around your heart so thick that blocks out love and can create communication issues.

The emotional pain and walls around your heart can make it extremely difficult to find and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, God and others.

During this Relationship Roadmap Call, you will discover:

  • The blocks that are creating struggles in your current and past relationships (Your "A")

  • The specific type of relationship your soul is needing right now (Your "B")

  • The exact steps you need to take to CLEAR those blocks (How to Get from Your "A" to "B")

here's how this works

If you’re anything like the hundreds of Christian empaths I’ve personally coached, you’re probably feeling lonely, ashamed of the growing number of broken relationships you're leaving in your wake, hopeless and anxious about adding more relationships to that list and emotionally exhausted.

It's normal to feel grief and heartache after being hurt so many times and honestly, it's probably uncomfortable to be reading through this page.

When you're living in the residual fog that comes with toxic relationships and so much heartache, it can feel like you're trying to begin fresh, healthy relationships with a huge ball and chain around your ankle.

So you're wanting to jump in and start fresh but you're paralyzed with self doubt and overwhelmed by old grief .

Even while you have healthy relationships your mind is filled with anxious questions:

"Does the other person REALLY care?"

"Is he just using me?"

"Can I trust her?"

"What if he abandons me like _____ did?"

You don't want to stay isolated and alone but you're also afraid to possibly sabotage a new relationship.

You’re STUCK.

But you don't want to make the wrong decision.. (it's nerve wracking!)

So, you shove your feelings down and wish so hard that something-- ANYTHING would change.

But it doesn’t.

And then before you know it...years have gone by and you're still emotionally exhausted and lonely from drama-filled, empty relationships.

If that sounds familiar, you’re in the right place.

this is not therapy.

I’m a coach, not a therapist...and it’s my job to help you OUT of the place you'v been stuck in for so long.

As a coach, it’s my job to help you find the roadmap to a healthy relationship so that you can move forward with confidence and clarity (no longer held back by past pain).

As awesome as therapy can be, unfortunately, it often doesn't provide you with the tools you need to move forward which means it can be yet another place empaths get stuck in.

I've worked with empaths who have been in therapy for 20+ years and still haven't made much progress in terms of releasing pain from the past, having clarity on their destination and knowing how to overcome current blocks. Instead, during therapy they re-live their past trauma over again and hop from therapist to therapist trying to find a way forward.

If we work together you're going to learn:

The blocks that are creating struggles in your current and past relationships (Your "A")

The specific type of relationship your soul is needing right now (Your "B") The exact steps you need to take to CLEAR those blocks (How to Get from Your "A" to "B")

So if you're ready to move on and a roadmap is what you're seeking then this is call definitely for you.

When we work together, you're going to be able to let go of past pain for good, face your current reality with courage and truly be open to the incredible future God has in store for you... PLUS you're going to gain the tools needed to be able to finally move on and see progress.

here's how we'll do it

If we end up working together, I’ll be showing you the different tools you need to navigate your complex emotions as an empath, have realistic expectations within your relationships, create healthy boundaries and stay close to God during the entire process.

Here's some great news

You don’t need to panic because you don't need to change everything.

After all, you are a GOOD person so that doesn't need to change =)

You just need to shift how you're approaching your current challenges.

And that's exactly what we'll be covering during our Relationship Roadmap Call.

Once you've learned the changes that need to be made, you'll feel so much more confident moving forward because you'll know full well that you

Are GOOD and that you tried your absolute best to make things work

Once you accept that, then a huge burden falls off of your shoulders and you can leave unhealthy relationships with ease and know exactly what kind of relationship God wants for you.

Here's how to get started

The next step is to fill out an application so I can learn more about you and you and your current relationship challenges.

After submitting the application, if we're a good fit to work together you'll be able to schedule a “Relationship Roadmap Call” where I will speak with you directly to make 100% certain working together is the best thing for you to do right now.

Click the button below to get started...

So much love,

Elle Angel

© 2024 Copyright Elle Angel Inc.